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Refund/ Cancellation Policy

​We understand that unexpected circumstances can arise, and we will do our best to work with you to find a solution for you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation policy.


How to cancel your session: 

  1. Login to your Need A Friendly account.

  2. If you have a session booked, head to My Bookings>Reschedule>Cancel 


How to reschedule your session: 

  1. Login to your Need A Friendly account.

  2. If you have a session booked, head to My Bookings>Reschedule>Reschedule


How to cancel your subscription:

  1. Login to your Need A Friendly account.

  2. If you have a subscription, head to My Subscriptions>Cancel 


If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment for any reason, please notify us as soon as possible or do so through your Need A Friendly account. Our cancellation policy is as follows:


1. We will be sure to call the number provided in your booking at least 3 times if you are unable to pick up. We will send an email reminder that we tried reaching you and to reschedule. If a cancellation or reschedule is not requested within 72 hours of the reminder email, we will continue with payment processing.


2. If you cancel a subscription-based plan, it will still remain active until the end of the billing cycle. Any unused sessions can still be used for that month. 


3. Unused sessions will not roll over into the next month. 


4. Refund requests are only allowed for missed appointments/bookings.  



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